Affiliates, Influencers and Content Creators

Welcome to the X Select Community; the official X Rocker creator program. At X Rocker, we believe in the power of authentic connections. We recognize today's digital landscape is driven by select voices and we want to empower individuals like you to make a meaningful impact. Expand your reach by hosting online gaming tournaments, Discord activations, giveaways and more. Ready to unleash your influence? Apply below and become an X Select.

Start your journey here

What is x select?

We are committed to helping you thrive on your journey. We offer opportunities to enhance your skills and expand you personal brand by leveling up through our tier-based system.

As you level up and your community grow, you will have the opportunity to progress through the tiers; Select, Hero, Elite, and Legend.

globally recognized brand

Join our Community

Come be a part of our ever growing X Rocker community. Join our Discord channel and free X Rivals tournament platform to interact with our sponsored teams, connect with our affiliated content creators, and win top-tier prizes!

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Have you got what it takes? Become an affiliate today!

We are always looking to grow our elite team of affiliates and influencers. If you are a content creator and looking for a new way to elevate your brand, apply for our X Select program today! To be eligible, you don't need to have a set number of followers or stream a certain game, just make sure you're passionate about what you do and the X Rocker community.

Apply Now